Spoon it on your face! ‘Etude House Moonlight in spoon’ review

One of the bonuses of having a friend living in Hong Kong is that come Christmas time you often get a few skincare gifts that you wouldn’t easily get in the UK. In the post from my generous friend I received a Christmas gift bundle, including a lovely handwritten card, a small bottle of perfume, and two spoons. The spoons were the skincare items. Don’t look at me like that. Let me explain.

In an industry where packaging is everything, the Korean beauty industry takes this to the next level. Face masks are great, but face masks are boring. Do you know what aren’t boring? Spoons!
Well…I’m sure they had a better marketing pitch than that, but I have to admit, I’ve never found spoons quite as intreging as they are when represented here.

Spoon, facemasks, étude house, moonlight

‘Moonlight in spoon’ is the adorably named product by Étude House that I decided to try out on my irritable skin one day. I had the choice of two, olive, which claimed to be ‘richly moist’ and rosehip which stated it was ‘brightening and moist’. Uncertain with both options I went for the one my cat tried to chew first. So pink it was!


When I peeled back the covering my first reaction was ‘ew’. You can see here the artificial looking pink blob surrounded by a clear jelly wasn’t exactly appealing, but once I broke off the spoon handle and began to mix the ingredients together as instructed my thoughts changed to the new aroma filling the room. This stuff smells great. A mix of rose hip and skittles. I was sold.

Moonlight in spoon, facemask

Now it doesn’t look like a lot and I was wondering how I was going to cover my face and neck as it was suggested, but as we were told as children, looks can be deceiving, and by the time I’d covered my face and the whole of my neck I was wondering if I could use the remaining mask on the backs of my hands as there was so much left.


These are labeled as ‘blending sleeping creams’ so as you can guess, you’re supposed to wear them as overnight masks. That wasn’t going to happen. I toss and turn so much that most of the time my duvet is on the other side of the room and I’m half way off the bed. There is no way a mask would stay on my face if I were to sleep with one on. If you’re a fan of nighttime masks though and don’t try to do various Olympic sports whilst you’re asleep then this could be the one for you.
Within fifteen minutes the thick layer of gel was already absorbing into my skin and leaving a pleasant tingling sensation along with it. I have sensitive skin so don’t worry about that gentle tingling feeling more like a burning sensation. If it’s okay for me, it’s probably okay for you.

I left it on for 5-6 hours and then began the process of washing it off. I mentioned before that it seemed to absorb quickly into the skin, well that’s what I thought at first, but after wetting my face with luke warm water I realised that this stuff clings onto your skin for dear life. You rinse and rinse and rinse, and when you feel like you’re one step away from scraping the damn stuff off, it finally washes away. What I was left with was super clean feeling skin. Not overly moisturised or silky smooth but soft and definitely looking more dewy. For a mask that spent a fair amount of its money on packaging I wasn’t unimpressed with the product and would happily use it again.


If you want to get your paws on some of these they sell them at yesstyle.co.uk for around £3 a spoon. Or if you’re really rich you can get a plane over to Hong Kong and buy them there, just please don’t tell me if you do, I won’t be able to handle the jealousy.

3 thoughts on “Spoon it on your face! ‘Etude House Moonlight in spoon’ review

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