bumble and bumble defrizz

The tragic tale of Bumble and Bumble defrizz

Last week something terrible happened. I was betrayed. Shakespearean, devastating, heartbreaking betrayal. I’m having a hard time writing this ladies and gentleman, so you’ll have to bear with me. 

Last week, I spent £22 on a hair serum. Bumble and Bumble defrizz to be precise. I’ve been brought up with the catchy saying ‘buy cheap buy twice’ and I foolishly thought,

“Well. It’ll be a good long-term purchase. And it’ll be good quality. After all, it’s Bumble and Bumble. They use that in hair salons.”

For those of you who don’t know Bumble and Bumble, it’s the hair care line that’s cringingly expensive but is said to be one of the best. If you’ve got a bottle of Bumble and Bumble shampoo in your bathroom, you’re probably doing okay money wise, and your hair will probably be Disney princess level pretty.

Unfortunately I do not fit into this category of being rich or having great hair. I’m just a sucker who brought an expensive serum.

So on to the betrayal. I read so many reviews saying that this stuff was the bomb. Okay they didn’t quite use that term because on the whole the Internet is a lot cooler than me. And probably doesn’t use the word ‘cooler’ to describe things. But regardless, I believed those reviews. I believed that this product would work.

And it didn’t. It really didn’t.

The Internet betrayed me.

I genuinely didn’t think it was possible to buy a pricey hair product and for it to make my hair worse than it originally was, but this baby managed it.

As a rule I never overdo it with serums. My hair is like a frizzy sponge and soaks up whatever it comes in contact with, be it humid air, grease and especially serums. The back of defrizz said to use ‘a few drops’ so I used two, and smoothed it evenly through my just washed damp hair.

After an hour or so my hair had air dried, and I was able to see the damage.

Wow, my hair has never been that frizzy before. Or so weighed down. Or so dry. Apparently this serum somehow sucked all the moisture from my hair like a dehydrated cactus. I hadn’t changed my shampoo, my conditioner, and from what I remembered I hadn’t angered a very petty warlock.

I came to the conclusion that it must have been my fault. I had clearly used too much. Two drops was just one drop too many. So I tried again- with the same results.

Oh god my hair! Bumble and Bumble, why have you forsaken me?!

Beating my hands against the ground and weeping profusely, I tried to come up with a reason that this product just didn’t work for my hair. The only thing I could think of is that it was just too thick. This is really less of a serum and more of a watery gel.

I can see this working fine on thick straight Asian hair that needs a bit of hold, but for frizzy Caucasian hair like mine it just weighed it down and turned it into something… well… bad.

So I will not be using anymore of this bottle, even though it’s full and even though it cost me £22. I shall cry briefly when I next check my bank account and then I will move on.

So let that be a warning to you my readers. Hair can be fickle, and it’ll reject even the most well reviewed products if it feels like it.

Oh and Bumble and Bumble, if you’re reading this-

“You will pay….”

3 thoughts on “The tragic tale of Bumble and Bumble defrizz

  1. gemlivia says:

    I never usually suffer with frizz but i had a really bag haircut yesterday and now my hair is just a big frizzy mess. I was going to pick this up tomorrow as I usually love bumble and bumble but now I think ill give it a miss! xx


    • Diamantes over Diamonds says:

      You could be one of the lucky ones whose hair just loves this product, but I’d try and get a tester or steal a bit from a friend who already has it- just to see if it works for you. £22 is a lot of money and you don’t want to waste it. xx


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